The masterpiece (2023/06/07)


The masterpiece

Our artist, Mr. Yatipasalawa has mastered, well another masterpiece with his own hand to show in this blog which I thanks him a lot. You are probably lucky to see such beautiful paints with your eyes. So, enough talking, let's begin.

Pastel drawings

Mrs. Peacock

Whoh! I think she controls those birds or may be she design or weave the peacock's wonderful set of quills or like that. Ya, I like the colour mixture there.

The brave guy

Well, I don't have any other name to call him. but the art is well, handsome in one hand. You know what I think? I just really want to know how he keeps his hair straight up like that.

The little girl Rapunzel
Don't blame me because I didn't have any other name people. Well she has a long hair and blue eyes like a kind of queen or some thing at her small age. But truly wondrous.

White chocolate
Oh my, it's so cute! Just like a piece of white chocolate. Hmm... I too like to have blue eyes and pink ears like that, unless I am not a human!

Water colour drawings

The lady Daisy

I think she has daisies in her hand. But the problem is how are they pink? May be she add some fertilizer to them or I think they are genetically changed. Or I don't have any other guesses, except are there pink Daisies?

The Cheetah!

Amazing! Just the same as a wild Cheetah. Wow! You know what? I kind of feel that its eyes are looking at me. Even though it's marvelous, I think it's still dangerous.

The Wonder-whale

I don't have anything to say about this. Except that it is marvelous and I really want to ride one of them!

Pencil drawings

I think he is a school boy, but considering his long sleeved shirt, he might be going to a party. Hmm technically, I can't express the masterpiece with my words.

Ya, now she is related with culture. Not Sri Lankan but I think Indian. You know what? I think I have seen this type of an actress in a Hindi movie.

Now this is perfectly related with Sri Lanka and its culture. Or is it just and African wild elephant type. Who knows, who cares except its beauty.

Art by:- Janith Kaveesha Yatipansalawa

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