The masterpiece (2023/06/07)
The masterpiece
Our artist, Mr. Yatipasalawa has mastered, well another masterpiece with his own hand to show in this blog which I thanks him a lot. You are probably lucky to see such beautiful paints with your eyes. So, enough talking, let's begin.
Pastel drawings
Mrs. Peacock
Whoh! I think she controls those birds or may be she design or weave the peacock's wonderful set of quills or like that. Ya, I like the colour mixture there.
Well, I don't have any other name to call him. but the art is well, handsome in one hand. You know what I think? I just really want to know how he keeps his hair straight up like that.
The lady Daisy
I think she has daisies in her hand. But the problem is how are they pink? May be she add some fertilizer to them or I think they are genetically changed. Or I don't have any other guesses, except are there pink Daisies?
Amazing! Just the same as a wild Cheetah. Wow! You know what? I kind of feel that its eyes are looking at me. Even though it's marvelous, I think it's still dangerous.
The Wonder-whale
I don't have anything to say about this. Except that it is marvelous and I really want to ride one of them!
Pencil drawings
I think he is a school boy, but considering his long sleeved shirt, he might be going to a party. Hmm technically, I can't express the masterpiece with my words.
Art by:- Janith Kaveesha Yatipansalawa